Liquid & Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection
Liquid penetrant inspection is a reliable, non-destructive method of finding cracks, defects or discontinuities and near-surface flaws in non-porous surface products and parts. L.F.P.I. is a type of dye penetrant inspection in which a fluorescent dye is applied to the surface of a non-porous material in order to detect defects that may compromise the integrity or quality of the part in question. L.F.P.I. is used widely in a variety of industries.
- We offer water-washable and post-emulsifiable fluorescent penetrants in sensitivity levels 2, 3 and 4
- Parts are examined under black light in a darkened area by a trained level II inspector in accordance with the requirements of SNT-TC-1A.
- Can accommodate a variety of part sizes.
- Stringent quality control to assure a consistent and repeatable result.
- Inspections are performed according to customer specifications and industry requirements by A.T.C. certified technicians.
- Provide large volume of production with a timely turn around.
- A.T.C. maintains a full staff of trained and certified inspectors and system operators to assure a complete and effective inspection.
- We use high quality Magnaflux inspection equipment.